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tv   11 News at 5AM  WBAL  May 9, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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city through harford and cecil county. the western suburbs are dry at the present time. off and on light rain showers. maybe a clap of thunder. the rain symbols look more ominous than it is going to be. 76 for the high temperature this afternoon. we'll come back and check the forecast going into the weekend. >> good morning. not bad aside from the rain. 62 heading down from the white marsh region down towards the beltway. speeds around 57 overthrew the parkville region. not tracking anything significant on the construction zone on the j.f.x. so far so good on 97 in the glen burnie down towards severna
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park, is 62 miles per hour. we will update you on some of our cameras. you can see the roads are wet so give yourself plenty of extra time. looking good out of white marsh. the j.f.x. near ruxton road, no problems into town. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> a plan by a cut to bomb a u.s. plan apparently never stood a chance. the cia had a handle from the beginning. tara mergener has the latest details. good morning. >> good morning. this is a dramatic twist on the plot to bomb a u.s. plane. the person al qaeda was counted on was actually working with the cia. a spike infiltrates a terrorist
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cell and gets his hands on a bomb and delivers it to u.s. intelligence. the person al qaeda thought was a suicide bomber was a double agent working with authorities and a corporate with the united states. >> our adversaries are very creative and determined and persistent. that requires us to always be thinking proactively and not just reactive fleet. branch wasa's yemen planning to blow up a u.s. plane. >> it was more advanced than the christmas day bombers, the underwear bombers dear. >> this new design is said to be made with a different chemical formula would dueled detonation systems that make it easy to set off. the foiled plot is a major coup.
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there are concerns that too much information has become public. >> this has not in any way become declassified by the cia and the administration. it is unfortunate this has got now. this could interfere with operations overseas. >> security at u.s. airports remains unchanged this morning. the tsa is working with international carriers. >> al qaeda has repeatedly tried to take advantage of overseas gaps in security. >> one area of concern is the limited use of body scanners. the underwear bomber did not have a full body scam when he left amsterdam. the next year and terrorists were able to smuggle bombs onto its jets.
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some gaps that al qaeda is trying to take advantage of. >> coming up, inside al qaeda. new details on the informant who helped stop the terror plot on the "today" show. for the second time, a weapon is seized at the airport. police confiscated the gun which was the size and shape of a smart phone. this incident happened on a monday. one man tried to bring a a gun on board a flight to tampa. police search for answers for a triple shooting in harford county. this happened on edgewater drive where two of the male victims
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were found. police learned of a possible third victim. >> we have received a report of a third shooting victim that arrived at the hospital and we're looking to see if it is connected to the shooting as well. >> all three victims are in stable condition at last check. police issued an alert for residents in northeast baltimore after a number of burglaries. jennifer franciotti is live with details. police say there is a specific pattern to these burglaries'. >> all of these break-ins happened during the day. eight in the last few weeks in northeast baltimore. it starts with a knock at the front door. he suspects go to the rear of the house and try to get in. they have been forcing their way in. police are not sure how many
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people as they are looking for. the same people may be responsible for all of the break-ins. >> there is a possibility. we're trying to link everything. we want to get the word out so always lock your doors and your windows. >> none of the victims have been home at the time of the break- ins. police are asking for anyone a with information to please give them a call. >> police are investigating a burglary at the ymca in east baltimore. officers were called after an employee noticed the damage. tuesday morning classes and activities were canceled. the governor will joint mike miller later this morning to discuss details of next week's special session on the budget. animal rights groups are pressuring the governor to
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address a recent ruling on pit bulls last month. orders can be liable to damages after an attack simply based on the breed. 65 degrees on tv hill. the president in north carolina focused on the same sex marriage ban. distracted drivers among teenagers, when we cover the nation. this is the beltway and greenspring avenue. more on weather and
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>> welcome back. 6:10. 67 degrees downtown. some light rain activity in baltimore city. some light rain and sprinkles. the heaviest stuff is up at harford and cecil counties. if you're taking 95, you'll probably drive through some light rain. some light rain around st. michael's. mostly cloudy skies. could be a rumble of thunder this afternoon. it will be off and on with a high temperature of 76. we will check the seven-day forecast going all the way into the weekend. >> a veteran of the u.s. senate is voted out. north carolina dance same-sex marriage. dick lugar was defeated on
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tuesday by richard murdock. voters in north carolina approved an amendment to find a marriage between a man and a woman. mitt romney swept primaries on tuesday. it appears president obama will be coming to the baltimore area next month as part of his reelection campaign. the president is scheduled to visit on june 12 which includes a fund-raising lunch and possibly another public event later that day. the deadly problem of distracted teenage driving. the risk of fatal accidents -- when somebody over 35 is on board, the risk drops 62%. the risk goes up in the summertime out once teenagers are out of school.
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65 degrees on tv hill. the fight over student loans kitty is in a closeted, d.c. a way to keep all of your credit card information in one place. >> sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. we're dealing with some rain soaked we will let you know if soaked we will let you know if the rain it is switching to progressive could mean hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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>> now traffic pulse 11 and insta-weather plus together. >> good morning. sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. the potential for problems.
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we have wet roads but not tracking anything. 59 on southbound 83 towards the beltway. no problems on the north side of the beltway. 55 on average. 58 on the west side. 53 on eastbound 70. 95 running smoothly to and from howard county. 29 at 108 show is the white roadways --wet roadways in ellicott city. this is 97 at 100 and the glen burnie area is problem free. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. now let's get the latest on the buses and the trains. for that we go to kurt kronke of the mta system. good morning. >> good morning. moving along nicely with no delays on the penn, camden, and brunswick lines. light rail on schedule. shuttle buses in place between timonium and hunt valley
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station's as construction continues. metro subway on time. the 27 bus is diverting. the 46 bus is diverting at edmondson and sinclair. now back to tony pann. >> we do have some rain this morning. it is not a widespread rain. but some of it could be heavy in if you neighborhoods. mostly this is light rain. sprinkles extends up into harford and cecil counties. the western suburbs are mostly dry. a few sprinkles in howard county. light rain in annapolis. that will be the case for most of the day today. this will be hit and miss. if you get lucky, you might have some dry weather. this is the first batch of rain. the second batch is out in ohio.
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the front has not moved out of ohio yet. that is off to the west. we keep a chance for a shower or thunderstorm in the forecast through this evening or early tonight. then it will start to clear up. you can see if you breaks over the mountains. maybe you'll get a peek of the sun. we expect cloudy skies today. colder air is moving in the behind this front. into the 30's into the northern plains. we will see the colder air start to move into here. we are in the mid 60's. it feels kind of humid. 63 degrees in jarrettsville. mostly cloudy skies today. off and on showers. maybe a thunderstorm. high temperature near 76. if you take the boat out, wave heights one to two feet.
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watch out for some lightning later today. could be some sprinkles tomorrow. a high of 68. 69 on friday. temperatures dipped into the 40's going into the weekend. could be some frost in western maryland. the edison chance for rain on mother's day -- 30% chance for rain. >> a recent study finds a majority of people own a smart phone in the u.s. as of march. apple the top smart phone manufacturer, thanks to the iphone. mastercard is introducing a digital wallet. it will be available later this year. customers will be able to store
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their card information in the digital wallet. the system will also work with debit cards. that brings us to our water cooler question of the day. would you be able to switch to a digital wallet or stay with a traditional wallet? you can share your response on, on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to the latest hot button issue on the campaign trail. the financial consequences of student loan debt. the ripple effects could affect all of us. >> for the students, it is reality. >> $30,000. >> 100-k. >> president obama urged congress to keep the rates on
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student loans steady. this is more than politics for the class of 2012. student loan debt is set a record high. that is more than credit card debt and more than car loans. delinquencies rose last year. the consequences could haunt the economy for decades. >> they will not be able to get credit or to buy houses or advance because everything they bring in is having to go to the student loans. >> dick durbin has been pushing for student loan reform. -- says the burden is no >> more and more students and parents and grandparents are defaulting on the loans.
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students are too deeply into debt to finish their education. >> i want my degree but at what cost? >> reporting in washington. >> and a hostile takeover bid in the drug industry is brewing. jane king has the bloomberg business report. >> good morning. we talked about how blacks go smithkline made an offer for human genome sciences. that offer was rejected because it was too low. they're trying again with a tender offer at $13 a share. that is the same price they offered before. they said the offer was not fair and it will hurt the stock price. futures this morning are slightly lower. we did have another down day
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yesterday. more concerned about the european debt crisis. greece is struggling to form a new government. more than 21 jet workers will be laid off at the distribution center in aberdeen. hostess cutting 158 jobs across maryland. anheuser-busch salutes the military. this comes into advance of a new initiative when it will donate a portion of all sales to help raise as much as $2.5 million for a military charity that provides scholarships for military families and personnel. at the new york stock exchange, i'm jane king, bloomberg news, for wbal-tv 11 news. back to you. >> people may have to wait
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longer to buy a flat screen tv on the cheap. >> it turns out prices are moving higher. what is behind the price increase and why disney is a hot stock to watch today. >> thank you. >> 5:23. >> the staggering number of youth suspensions in maryland.
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>> experts say public school students as young as 4 and 5 years are being disciplined with suspensions. >> this is a problem and how young is too young to be suspended from school.
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here's his preview of the special report. >> an analysis of data and finds that 751 students were given out of school suspensions for being disruptive in the classroom. michelle is upset her son is not spending much time in the classroom. he has been suspended 12 times since the start of the school year. >> he is having a temper tantrums when he is not getting his way. >> he has a behavior disorder. it has been determined he belongs in a mainstream classroom. would he accept, should they be suspended? >> it is probably a very harmful and not very appropriate. >> suspension practices is now stirring debate on a state and local level. tonight, the 11 news i-team exposed how often this happens
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and what a growing number of experts consider this a bad idea. i'm david collins. >> interesting topic. 65 degrees on tv hill. officials say a cia operative may put an end to end al qaeda threat. >> police are investigating a string of break-ins. they could be connected. >> fighting to keep a home out of their neighborhood. >> we have some light rain in some neighborhoods. we will check the seven-day forecast. i'm more of an absentee plant parent.
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[ cellphone rings ] tuscaloosa? schenectady? des moines? okay. okay. okay. i can't always be there to weed my petunias. so now we use miracle gro shake 'n feed plus weed preventer. it feeds plants and prevents weeds for up to three months. so my plants grow bigger, more beautiful, without all the weeds -- guaranteed. [ cellphone rings ] with miracle gro shake 'n feed, anyone can have a green thumb. [ cellphone rings ] everyone grows with miracle gro.
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>> live, local, late-breaking, this is wbal-tv 11 news today. >> good morning, everybody. welcome back to 11 news today. i'm stan stovall. >> and i'm mindy basara. thanks for joining us for 11 news today. it is national blondies day. i'm talking about the butterscotch brownies. >> oh. much more fun to make fun of you guys. >> that is hilarious. >> what about gray hair day? >> you are looking at me? >> i'm sensing hostility. they look nice. let's check the hd doppler. we have some rain, mostly in the eastern suburbs. up 95 into harford county.
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we could see a shower or thunderstorm anytime. it will not be a steady rain. high temperature of 76 degrees. the mother's day weekend forecast in just a few minutes. check your morning commute. the roads are wet. not tracking any problems. give yourself a few extra minutes. 57 out of owings mills on southbound 95. 60 on southbound 95 from the white marsh region down to the beltway. so far so good at the harbor tunnel and the fort mchenry. we will update you at 29 and 108. no problems to report at the moment. this is the glen burnie area, 97
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at 100. no delays to report. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> a new twist in the foiled al qaeda bomb plot. the airplane was disrupted because the cia had a source inside al qaeda. >> the terrorists did not know the person chosen to be the suicide bomber was an informant. no change in airport security is planned. coming up, inside al qaeda. new details on the informant who helped stop the terror plot. police are looking to a number of recent burglaries in northeast baltimore. there is a pattern with all of the burglaries. jennifer franciotti is live to explain.
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good morning. >> good morning. the suspects are breaking into homes in broad daylight. police say this is happening during the day and they believe these break-ins could all be connected. all the burglaries have been in the northeast baltimore area. at least eight in the last few weeks and it all starts with a knock at the door. >> they received no answer an attempt to gain entry by the rear. the >> police have responded to burglaries in five areas. this area has been hit three times. homes have been burglarized twice. police are not sure how many people as they are looking for. the same people may be responsible for all of the break-ins.
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>> there is a possibility. we're trying to link everything. we want to get the word out, so always lock your doors and your windows. >> if you noticed strangers in your neighborhood, call police immediately. this woman has lived here for 25 years and she says she is not taking any chances. alerts you. the dog barks, you can see what is going on. >> so far no one has been home at the time of the break-ins. jennifer franciotti , wbal-tv 11 news. >> a deadly crash that happens 10:00 a.m. in fallston suv.ving a jeep and as you tn donald jones and ronald
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buchholz were both killed. lawyers are expected to give closing arguments in the rubble trials against julius henson. prosecutors said he tried to suppress voter turnout. there was three days of testimony angeles henson said testimony against him is then. >> was their responsibility to put that on the call. i recommended that they do so. i went around him to get him to do so. that is not my responsibility. i have no clue whatsoever why i'm here. >> henson says he feels confident in his case. a judge at tells a relieved to revoke a medical license. he's a cardiologists accused of performing unnecessary stant
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procedures -- stent procedures. his license cannot be reinstated. he is facing civil lawsuits from his former patients. >> residents are expressing anger with plans to -- a new home would go near five others in the area in bel air. provides temporary housing for recovering drug addicts. the concentration of homes is lowering property values. >> they do not need a license. they just move tin. how did that happen? >> 65 degrees on tv hill. plenty of ways to try to cure the common cold.
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>> an issue most of us deal with -- how the virus can spread. >> we're checking on the area roads. roads.
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♪ [ male announcer ] at southwest airlines, we're always looking for new ways to make you happy. and we know what really makes you happy are new places to fly. now you can fly southwest airlines' new nonstop service from bwi airport to atlanta. book all of our destinations only at ♪ >> welcome back. 67 degrees downtown. we have cloudy skies in baltimore city. most of the rain is in the eastern suburbs. we have some light rain around dundalk and some more moderate rain up and harford and cecil counties. the western suburbs are dry at the present time. off and on showers and maybe a
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thunderstorm. high temperature of 76. we will check the seven-day forecast going all the way into the weekend. >> a reusable grocery bag is helping researchers learn how the most common type of stomach flu can spread. >> they traced the outlook to eight reusable grocery bag that was stored in the hotel bathroom. this proves that services can be contaminated with the stomach bug. >> wow. >> zinc supplements could cause some side effects. >> zinc was found to reduce the duration of the common cold. the supple but left a nasty
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taste in their mouth -- supplement left a nasty taste in their mouth. >> 5:41. 65 degrees on tv hill. an amazing display of hitting at camden yards. keith mills will have a look at the record date for the josh hamilton. >> ava marie live at the inner harbor. we have a famous wallenda walking the in arbor on a high wire -- in the inner harbor. >> the latest on
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>> now traffic pulse 11 and insta-weather plus together. >> good morning. sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. we're dealing with some wet roads so just be careful.
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on to the west side, ever speech around 60 miles an hour. still up to speed. 52 on southbound 95. 895 is looking good at the harbor tunnel. 50 of the southbound j.f.x. at the construction zone. not tracking any delays. volume is on the light side. this is 70 west of the beltway. problem free at the moment. this is 83 at padonia road. delay-free all the way down to the beltway. give yourself a few extra minutes because of the wet roads. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. now let's get the latest on the buses and the trains. for that we go to kurt kronke of the mta system. good morning. >> we have a delay on the penn line. canton and brunswick trains are on time. and brunswick
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trains on time. the 27 bus diverting at remington and 31st. diversion at edison and sinclair. >> good morning. we have some rain to talk about. first we say good morning to ava marie. she is getting ready to a high wire walk over the inner harbor. >> good morning. i learned how to a high wire walk and i joked i would do this. we're live outside the ripley's believe it or not order a torrent or you can see the fine, the bizarre, and the strange. this is a high wire walk across the inner harbor. you're the seventh generation member of the wallendas too high wire walk.
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what is going through your mind? >> i'm very relaxed. this is life to me. >> my stomach is turning. >> i have done this for 31 years. this is normal. this is something we do four or five hours a day. >> you're up on the wire at 2 years old. how long did it take for you to prepare walking over it high height? >> i broke a world record at 19. the sky is the limit. i'm walking across niagara falls. >> you have a petition to let you walk over niagara falls. >> it was banned for over 100
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years. we needed a new law. it is part of the process. >> people have a chance to see this on the air. .> i'm starting at 5:15 >> the wire will be starting here and you go out 300 feet. >> i tried to make every walk unique. i decided to go out to a barge in the middle of the water. >> we are so excited for you and we wish you the best of louck. you concede this later today. >> this will be at 5:15. >> there is a chance for thunderstorms.
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can explore the chances. >> will the what if it is like rain or drizzle? >> he says it is the lightning he will watch out for. >> there's a chance for some lightning. thank you, ava. i might wait for a sunny day to try that. we do have some rain out there this morning. give yourself a couple extra minutes. 95 into harford and cecil counties, we have some light to moderate rain. same thing around st. michael's. basically dry and baltimore and west. we could see a shower pop-up at anytime. the front that is true wrist is off in ohio. we have the chance for a shower
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or thunderstorm in the forecast through early tonight. it will not be a steady rain. if you have outdoor plants, you might be able to sneak them in -- if you have outdoor plans. temperatures drop off behind this front. into the 30's into the northern plains. 64 degrees at the airport right now and it feels kind of muggy. 67 downtown. 65 in catonsville. mostly cloudy with off and on showers today and may be a thunderstorm. high temperature of 76. if you take the bothe, watch out for a lightning later this afternoon. wave heights one to two feet. chen is for rain early tonight with decreasing clouds. temperatures drop back into the
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50's by tomorrow morning. we will bounce around with the temperatures going into the weekend. upper 60's on saturday. the overnight low temperatures will dip into the 40's. a chilly start on friday and saturday morning. there could be some frost in western maryland. 75 on mother's day with a .event 30% chance for rain >> the ravens add an offensive weapon. >> here is a look at last night's winning maryland lottery numbers. hope you have them.
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>> time to get to your answers to our watercooler question of the day. >> this morning we asked -- would you be willing to switch to a digital wallet, or would you stay with a traditional wallet? >> we will read more of your
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responses in the next hour and post all of them on the front page of our website, >> good morning. sometimes you have to tip your hat to the opposition. this morning is one of those times. 10-3, rangers beat the orioles. josh hamilton hit four home runs. it started in the first inning off jake arrieta. adam jones gives it a good run but cannot get to the fence in time. home run for josh. back-to-back home runs. 5-0 texas. then josh hamilton takes over. adam runs out of room. 7-1 texas.
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in the eighth, darren o'day. adam again runs out of run. four home runs for josh hamilton who think the orioles fans when it was over. >> the game went on. i was getting worn out less and less in the outfield. i get one out here in baltimore. -- i get worn out. i cannot after the fourth one, the crowd latino, they are true baseball fans -- crowd lets you know. they love the game and appreciate when somebody does something of that caliber. >> interesting t-shirt. he hit 40 home runs in 30 games this year. he has been maybe the best player in major-league baseball.
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terrell suggs underwent surgery to repair is torn achilles. ozzie newsome said he is expected to make a full recovery but did not say if he would play at all of this season. the staff signed jacoby jones to a contract. he can also returned punts. the ravens agree to a contract extension with bernard pollard and christian thompson. josh hamilton has turned it around. he's become a major force on the team. >> good for him. >> i thought it was wonderful for orioles fans. >> he had a great night. he did.
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just not very long. >> the governor will joint legislative leaders to announce a plan for next week's budget session. >> police say a dog attacked its owner. the woman has to go extensive surgery. putin his the ice. >> have some rain to contend with. >> that rain could create some problems on the road.
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